Friday, January 20, 2006

I'm in Dar!

After an epic plane journey, I arrived in Dar safely and have been in the city, let's see, for about 5 hours now. In that time I have managed to get my friday checklist of activities accomplished, which I am feeling quite good about--finding and checking into my hostel, getting to COSTECH (the High Commission for Science and Technology) and submitting my research proposal, going to the train station to buy an overnight train ticket (I leave Dar for Mbeya on Monday), buying a cell phone (see my autoreply for number), and locating the Wildlife Conservation Society's offices. All in excruciatingly hot weather and major sensory overload. I think I've seen and smelled and heard too much in the past few hours to really write about it right now, but since I found myself at this internet cafe next to the WCS office (which happens to also serve delicious smelling Indian/African food, making me very excited for Tanzanian culinary options), I thought I just at least write a first update while I'm here in Dar. I think I'm going to go take a nap now, before Evelyn (Emily Wroe's friend) comes and picks me up for dinner...and disco maybe?!! more to come for sure...


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